出生年份: 1949~年
擅 长: 油画
毕业院校: 其他学校
创作年代 | 2009年作 | 尺寸 | 121*91cm |
材质 | 布面油画^_^Oil on canvas | 装裱 | |
题材 | 所属系列 | 王鑫生油画精品集——意象·蜕变 | |
作品描述 | 雅昌收藏 西藏系列^_^Tibetan Series 西藏是一个离天最近而又神秘的地方,怎样去表达这一地域中特殊的民族及他们的生活和宗教信仰,是我一直思考的问题,藏民纯朴的民风和鲜明的人物特征让很多艺术家对西藏题材情有独钟。年轻时我也画过一些西藏的人和景,但在我近期的作品中力求表达的是历史的西藏,既有尘封岁月的过去,又有现代生活的体现。从绘画风格上,我想用中西结合的风格,以中国画特有的意象空灵和泼墨挥洒的豪放,去表现藏民这一特殊民族,尤其是表现尘封岁月中的朝圣者。他们用自己的肌肤去直接和大地接触,在崎岖不平的山路上一步一叩首地朝拜。他们留下了朝圣者的血迹,同时,也给人留下了永久难忘的印象。^_^Tibet,the mysterious land closest to the sky,has been the focus of people all over the world for centuries. I have pondered for a long time how to adequately present the special people of this wonderland and their lives and religious beliefs. Many artists are deeply in love with Tibetan subjects because of their rustic folklore and distinctive features. When I was young,I painted several pictures of Tibetan people and scenery. However,what I am trying to express in my recent works is the historical Tibet with the vicissitudes of past and of modern life. Combining the brushwork of Western and Chinese painting styles,I attempt to present the special Tibetan people and their pilgrimages through their arduous years with an aura of freedom as the central emotion. The pilgrims touch the land directly with their skin while leaving bloodstains on the rough mountain road in their every step - genuflections. They also leave a permanent impression on us. |
出生年份: 1949~年
擅 长: 油画
毕业院校: 其他学校
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